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Pesach - Unleavened Bread - Firstfruits

We began our journey into The Feasts of The Lord through Pesach. We got a Haggadah (the order of service) for the Seder meal from a Messianic Jewish group. We invited another family to celebrate with us. I thought we were prepared. Well not so much! It was five hours later that we joined in saying, "Next year in Jerusalem", the traditional ending of the Seder meal! I knew I had to take that Haggadah in hand and get a better understanding of how to celebrate the meal in a timelier fashion with more focus on Yeshua.

So the second year I included some "stage directions" to the Haggadah and put more emphasis on Yeshua and that helped us greatly! We got better in our understanding and the celebration took only four hours.

And as the years passed, I reworked that Haggadah to make it more meaningful and understandable to us. Then one Pesach I realized The Last Supper which Yeshua celebrated with His disciples the year He WAS the sacrifice. It could NOT have been a usual Pesach Seder! Yeshua would have been in the tomb by then! Wow! So what was the event Yeshua and His disciples were observing which seemed to be a normal event? As this question came, The Father provided the answers.

The evening before the evening Pesach Seder meal many Rabbis would have had a graduation meal with their talmudim (disciples) and the Rabbis of synagogues would have had a rehearsal meal for the men since the men would officiate at the Seder meals in their homes the next evening. And since this info was shared orally, a rehearsal was very needful and helpful! A light went on and I realized Yeshua could have been doing both! His disciples were graduating from their 3-1/2 year program with Him and the meaning of Pesach would be forever changed!

So again I amended our Haggadah to reflect that truth. Then I got to thinking just how did the events of that time really happen? That resulted in the diagram of Pesach to Firstfruits /40th Day/50th Day. At this point the seemingly tangled events of that Pesach now made sense to me!

And as my study continued I got a clearer understanding of the ten plagues and developed a chart to "count down" from Nisan 1 to Nisan 10 when The Lamb would have been chosen. The plagues of course would have started much before Nisan 1 so remembering the plagues Nisan 1-10 is for teaching only. It does help bring another level of understanding to that part of the Haggadah which references them.

I realized The Chosen Lamb was referenced in Genesis 22, Exodus 12, Isaiah 53, John 1, Zechariah 9, Matthew 21 and Revelation 5.

I also learned about a search for leaven, Erev Bedikat Chametz, that was conducted in Jewish homes before the Pesach Seder. What amazing teachings all this has for understanding our relationship to Yeshua!

And I began to see and document The Pesach Connection to the other Feasts of The Lord. How awesome is our Heavenly Father!

These are the celebration aids our family uses for Pesach. Feel free to use them as you experience the marvel and wonder of Pesach.

BEHOLD - The Lamb - of GOD - WHO - TAKES - AWAY
the SIN - of the world - Bread/Body - Wine/Blood

You can contact the Web-master for more details and recipes of our celebration.

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